
Life Goes On...

To all the both of my faithful followers:

I realise I haven't published a blogpost for a while. This is not accidental, it was extremely intentional. I needed some time off. Life is crazy: this past year has been one of the most exciting years I've ever had, but also one of the hardest. SnailPlumage is but one example. Moving, losing friends, gaining friends, relationships changing, people changing. Come to think of it, even for all the changes like moving and new opportunities, the biggest source of both excitement and pain is people, or more specifically, relationships with people.

This week specifically has been extremely busy. I have been so tired. But this week has also held some of the coolest opportunities I've ever had, such that I keep wondering if I'm dreaming. But the phrase I keep coming back to is "Life goes on." That's right: life goes on. My life stinks: but life goes on. Today I'm really excited: life still goes on. There is an ebb and flow to life. Even this post is symbolic of that: I've not slaved over it for days to perfect it. This is raw, unpolished, and honest. I hope to blog more in the next few weeks, but I have no idea what life has in store for me.

Life goes on.


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