

One year ago, on October 8, 2012, the first post was published on SnailPlumage. I can't believe all that transpired in that one year. SnailPlumage was...well...for one, the blog I was a part of last school year. SnailPlumage was the group of people behind the blog. SnailPlumage was my friends. SnailPlumage was at times the worst thing in my life, yet the most exciting thing I was a part of. SnailPlumage is one of the top three things that has shaped my life.

That year was intense, not always fun, but very satisfying. We worked through many issues and grew together as a group. We hung out with cool people. I don't just throw around the word "blessed" in a cliche way, but I can say that I was truly blessed by these people, especially looking back.

SnailPlumage officially started on a mission trip to New York last summer, but the rumblings began before that. All of a sudden, we were thrust into a completely new group with types of relationships we never knew before. We learned about communication and relationships, about ourselves and others, about balancing conflict confrontation and resolution. We saw how we affected each other. Oh, and we learned about writing, too. There are so many memories, pictures, and videos: I can hardly look back without missing that. So many inside jokes and quirks. Bikes, Ruby cookies, scaring dogs with Nerf axes, philosophising about channels and frequencies and keyholes, Legos the size of couches, TVs, Avengers, throwing Peach Rings, full white boards, DISC...the list goes on. So many other things grew out of SnailPlumage.

I dedicate this post in honour of those four brave souls who muddled through it all with me. Even though we were almost perfectly diverse, we were once extremely close. Now, a year later, we have become extremely separated in multiple ways: age, geography, schools, socially--and therefore relationally. It's amazing how relationships can change. I look back and realise how many things we worried about that didn't matter, and what we didn't realise at the time mattered most. The relationships, although completely changed, will forever hold something special.


  1. I think this was my favorite of all your posts. It didn't use big words or complicated ideas. It wasn't created to tech, yet it does. It teaches me about you and SnailPlumage and also how your relationship with them is similar to some of mine with my friends and how precious time is. It was beautiful because it was you. I think it came straight from your heart. You should write more about personal things, I believe. I like reading about you, and I don't believe I'm the only one.

  2. I think this was my favorite of all your posts. It didn't use big words or complicated ideas. It wasn't created to tech, yet it does. It teaches me about you and SnailPlumage and also how your relationship with them is similar to some of mine with my friends and how precious time is. It was beautiful because it was you. I think it came straight from your heart. You should write more about personal things, I believe. I like reading about you, and I don't believe I'm the only one.


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