
Psalm 139

I've been planning out the next few months of blogposts, and I'm getting really excited to share some stuff! Stay tuned, folks. If you're not already subscribed, follow PeteTweets by email! In case you haven't seen my guestblog on Postcards From Preppy Bohemia, read it here. Today, I decided to pull out another Psalm poem I wrote a while back, this time a response to my favorite Psalm, Psalm 139.

Dear God,

You know everything about everything,
You know all about me.
You see beyond my mask,
You see all there is to see.
The word “awesome” should be reserved for You,
For only You deserve such a title.
It amazes me that You in Your awesomeness even stoop down to look,
That You take time out of your busy schedule to watch me.
You delight in just pausing and surveying me,
Especially when I live the way You intended me to live.
You know everything before it happens,
You speak the future into being, not just predict it.

As for space, You are everywhere,
Everywhere all at the same time.
I cannot hide from You since You are also all-powerful, and all-knowing,
For You are Omni-Present, Omni-Potent, Omni-Scient.
You can see in the dark and have x-ray vision, too,
Nothing is hidden from You.
If I go to outer space—You will find me there,
If I dig a hole a mile deep—You will find me there.
If I go around the world all the way to the East or all the way to the West,
You will still find me there.
And why would I even want to hide from You?
What would that benefit me?

You know me personally,
You are very familiar with how I am designed,
Because You hand-crafted all the parts in me,
You custom-built me from the ground up.
You made me from scratch,
You put in all the right ingredients in all the right amounts.
Your awesome-ness is evident,
It shows through Your Creation.
Just take me for example,
You went all-out on me.

I am confident that whenever You think of me,
You think good thoughts.
You spent so much time fabricating me,
That I know You are proud of the end-result.
You sit in Your Seat watching me live for You,
You beam with delight when I copy You.
They say imitation is the most sincere form of flattery,
Well, I’m trying.

God—get rid of the bad guys already, will You?!
Please take care of them!
I’m sick and tired of them,
They make fun of me because of You.
I feel like I’m trying to defend You from them:
A little help here, please?
Why don’t You just “Zapp!” and they’re gone,
And take care of them once-and-for-all?
But, wait, timeout!  Let’s just check first:
Am I one of them?
Would I share in their fate?
And end up in the same place as them?
Am I being judgmental?
And using a double standard?
You know my heart and mind,
You can test my motives.
Make sure and double-check,
I want to be absolutely certain that
I’m not following the wicked down their path,
And, please, lead me to life everlasting!


Trees and winds blow up
All is lost, nothing matters
Wow, books affect me


  1. I have one disagreement. The last verse. Who are the bad guys? From what I can tell, you are talking about non-Christians. I have had my share of persecution and exclusion because of Christ, but I can't bring myself to wish for a second that God would get rid of them. Lots of people say they can't wait for Jesus to come back; I can. I can wait because every day I get is another chance to save those I love. My heart cries every time I think of the Second Coming because I think of all the people who won't "make the cut." I'm fine. I'm saved. I'm in no particular rush to reach eternity if that makes any sense, but I cannot, will not, look on my friends as the "bad guys." They are more than friends. They are the ones I was charged to help. And I will. Until my very last breath.
    You see them as enemies. The only enemy I see is Satan. They are people. I cannot hold resentment or anger towards them. All I feel is love and pity.
    Other than that, yet another brilliant piece! :)

  2. I totally agree with you!! That is Truth. If only we all thought like that. But in this piece, I was trying to capture the essence of what David felt. My psalm is about a thought-for-thought recreation of Psalm 139 (I hope that's not plagiarism!). Feel free to compare it. In the Psalms, David routinely wishes that Adonai would wipe out sin and bring justice. It may not be 100% "theologically correct", but it's a heart's cry that brokenness be ended. You bring back the old love the sinner/hate the sin discussion. It's tricky, especially because we are broken, sinful people, too, and we can't be prideful here. But we all feel that longing for the brokenness in the world to be wiped out. Thanks for your comment!


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