
Obligatory Introductory Post...

Almost without fail, every blog starts with an optimistic post about all the cool things it will host. And about three posts later, there isn’t a fourth post. Now, this blog is different, because I am different. That came out wrong, let me rephrase: I want to tell you the goal of this blog, starting by sharing a little bit about myself. I’m Pete. Pete Tweets (@wrongvswrite). And he blogs, too. Now, if you’re reading my blog, there’s a high likelihood that you know me in person. I can always hope that the Internet will make me famous, but the chances of that actually happening could be much higher.

That leads to what I wanted to share about myself: my realism. I am neither optimistic nor pessimistic: I am realistic (at least that’s what I tell myself). Realistically speaking, this blog is just one in millions. My readership may not break two or three (even if I refresh my own browser a few times). Realistically speaking, this blog could die out in a matter of weeks.

That’s why I need accountability. I cannot continue blogging if I just chuck my writing out on the World Wide Web and nothing happens. I yearn for feedback. Not just constructive criticism on my writing itself, but I also love to bat around ideas. See that little comment button down there? Please click it, even if you can’t think up something to write, just to humor me. Thank you. Now, if you’ll please direct your attention to the gadget in the right sidebar titled Friends’ Blogs. I know other writers who write some good stuff, and I feed off of them as inspiration. Thoughts sparked, kindled, and fanned to flame in the blogosphere may end up on PeteTweets. Feel free to check out their stuff--it’s really good.

One example happened just the other day: a friend asked me to preview an inaugural post he had written for his blog (coming soon!). He talked about art and his dreams for his blog. My immediate response: What are your practical goals? Learning from that, these are my practical goals. PeteTweets will talk about many different topics. Some things I just wrote, some things I will resurrect from years ago (please pardon those, I’ve gotten better since then, I promise). I am planning on posting every Wednesday and Saturday (I've got so much exciting stuff to share!). At the end of each post, I’ll write a small haiku somehow related to the subject. My goal is to use this blog as an archive of my writing, because I like sharing ideas with people. I love to start conversations.

What can you do? I feel bad asking this with millions of other blogs out there, but please follow me. There's a box to the right to follow by email. Or plug the RSS into your RSS reader (http://PeteTweets.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss). I promise to make good use of your time. Feel free to join in the comment conversation. Don’t worry, as my friend Emily once said, rants are welcome here. Here follows a list of interesting topics I might rant about: BBC Sherlock, Merlin, Art, sailing, God, deep thinking, friends, language, grammar nazi, swing dance.

Speaking of swing dance, I told y'all I’ll publish a post on that first. Is it even possible to write a haiku on swing dance??

Why a swing haiku?
If it can’t condense this small
Why write thousand words?

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